Buggy Component and meta information API
200 |
An array of all component meta IDs
201 |
The component was added successuflly.
400 |
The component it is not in a valid format and thus cannot be inserted.
409 |
The component already exists and thus cannot be inserted.
200 |
The number of components.
meta | Meta key of the component | path | string |
200 |
A component with the meta key was found and included in the response.
404 |
No component with the given meta key was found.
meta | Meta key of the component | path | string |
version | The version of the component | path | string |
200 |
A component with the meta key was found and included in the response.
404 |
No component with the given meta key at the specified version was found.
key | The configuration key | path | string |
200 |
The value of the key.
404 |
No such key is defined.
key | The configuration key | path | string |
204 |
The key was successfully updated.
200 |
The whole DB is returned.
200 |
An object with the server information
component | Meta key for the component | path | string |
200 |
An array of all keys
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
component | Meta key for the component | path | string |
version | The version of the component. This must be a valid semver version. Valid meta keys are those that at the specified version or the latest update before this version. E.g. a component at version 1.2.0 has a value specified in version 1.1.0 but not in 1.2.0, then the 1.1.0 version value is taken. | path | string |
200 |
An array of all keys valid at the given version
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
component | Meta key for the component | path | string |
version | The version of the component. This must be a valid semver version. Valid meta keys are those that at the specified version or the latest update before this version. E.g. a component at version 1.2.0 has a value specified in version 1.1.0 but not in 1.2.0, then the 1.1.0 version value is taken. | path | string |
key | Meta key that is created or updated. | path | string |
200 |
The value of the meta key that is valid at the given version. Type can be anything.
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
404 |
The component does not have meta information for this key.
component | Identifier for the component | path | string |
version | The version of the component. This must be a valid semver version. Valid meta keys are those that at the specified version or the latest update before this version. E.g. a component at version 1.2.0 has a value specified in version 1.1.0 but not in 1.2.0, then the 1.1.0 version value is taken. | path | string |
key | Meta key that is created or updated. | path | string |
204 |
The key was updated for the component in the given version.
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
component | Meta key for the component | path | string |
key | Meta key that is created or updated. | path | string |
200 |
The value of the meta key. Type can be anything.
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
component | Identifier for the component | path | string |
key | Meta key that is created or updated. | path | string |
204 |
The key was updated for the component.
400 |
No component with this meta key exists.
404 |
The component does not have meta information for this key.