Source: rewrite/compound.js

 * Rewrite rules for compound nodes.

import curry from 'lodash/fp/curry'
import any from 'lodash/fp/any'
import all from 'lodash/fp/all'
import negate from 'lodash/fp/negate'
import uniq from 'lodash/fp/uniq'
import flatten from 'lodash/fp/flatten'
import keyBy from 'lodash/fp/keyBy'
import reverse from 'lodash/fp/reverse'
import uniqBy from 'lodash/fp/uniqBy'
import {flow} from '../graph/flow'
import * as Compound from '../compound'
import {predecessor, successors, successorsNode, inIncidents, inIncident, outIncidents} from '../graph/connections'
import * as Graph from '../graph'
import * as Node from '../node'
import * as Path from '../compoundPath'
import * as Port from '../port'
import {mergeNodes} from '../graph/internal'
import {topologicalSort} from '../algorithm'
import cuid from 'cuid'
import {assertGraph} from '../assert'
import inplaceCompoundify from './inplaceCompoundify'

function uniquePortName (port) {
  return port.port + port.node

const uniqify = (port) => {
  // unique type names should not be part of this function
  const t = (typeof (port.type) === 'string' && port.type[0].toLowerCase() === port.type[0]) ? port.type + port.node : port.type
  // const t = port.type
  return Object.assign({}, port, {port: uniquePortName(port), type: t})

 * @function
 * @name includePredecessor
 * @description
 * Moves the predecessor of a port into the compound node. It changes the signature of the
 * compound node. It has to ensure that the inputs are correct. This only works if the predecessor has
 * only one successor (i.e. the compound node it will move into).
 * @param {Port} port A port identifier. This also specifies the node.
 * @param {PortGraph} graph The graph in which the change will happen.
 * @returns {PortGraph} A new port graph that includes the predecessor of the port in the compound.
 * @throws {Error} If the predecessor has more than one successor.
export const includePredecessor = curry((port, graph, => {
  const cb = Graph.flowCallback(cbs)
  var pred = predecessor(port, graph)
  var portNode = Graph.node(port, graph)
  var predNode = Graph.node(pred, graph)
  /* if (outIncidents(pred.node, graph).length > 1 && !successors(pred.node, graph).every((n) => Node.equal(n, portNode))) {
    throw new Error('Cannot include the predecessor of port: ' + JSON.stringify(port) + ' as it has multiple successors.')
  var preInPorts = inIncidents(pred.node, graph)
  var affectedPorts = uniqBy((pair) => pair.compoundPort,
    flatten(Node.outputPorts(predNode).map((p) => successors(p, graph).map((s) => ({predecessorPort: p, compoundPort: s})))))
  var postInPorts = => Object.assign(p, {outEdges: outIncidents(p.compoundPort, graph)}))
  var additionalPorts = successorsNode(pred.node, graph).filter((n) => !Node.equal(n, portNode))
  var compound = portNode

  var newCompound = flow(
    // remove old port and add predecessor => Compound.removePort(p.compoundPort)),
    // set the id of the included predecessor to the id of the predecessor
    // add all input ports of predecessor => Compound.addInputPort(uniqify(, => Compound.addOutputPort(p)), =>
        Graph.addEdge({from: '@' + uniqify(, to: + '@' +})), => Graph.flow( => Graph.addEdge({from: obj.predecessorPort, to:})))), => Graph.addEdge({from: predecessor(p, graph), to: '@' + p.port})),
    {name: 'Adding predecessor at port ' + JSON.stringify(Port.portName(port)) + ' to compound.'}
  var newGraph = flow(
      Graph.replaceNode(port, newCompound)
    .concat( =>
        Graph.addEdge({from: edge.from, to: + '@' + uniqify(})))
    .concat( =>
        Graph.addEdge({from: + '@' + p.port, to: p}))),
    {name: '[includePredecessor] Replacing compound node with new compound.'}
  return cb(newCompound, newGraph)

 * @function
 * @name excludeNode
 * @description
 * Moves a node from its compound to the parent compound node. Changes the compound node to
 * ensure it takes the correct number of inputs etc. This method only works if the node has no
 * predecessor in the compound node.
 * @param {Node} node A node identifier for the node that should be moved out of the compound node.
 * @param {PortGraph} graph The graph
 * @returns {PortGraph} A new graph in which the node is moved out of its parent compound into the parent
 * of its parent.
 * @throws {Error} If the node has a predecessor in the compound and thus cannot be moved out of the
 * compound node.
export const excludeNode = curry((node, graph) => {
  var nodeObj = Graph.node(node, graph)
  var parent = Graph.parent(node, graph)
  var preds = inIncidents(node, graph)
  if (any(negate(Node.equal(parent)), => edge.from.node))) {
    throw new Error('Node has predecessor in the parent compound and thus cannot be moved out of the compound node.')
  // ports that only lead to the node that should be excluded
  var exclusivePorts = uniq(preds
    .filter((edge) => all(Node.equal(nodeObj), successors(edge.from, graph)))
    .map((edge) => edge.from))
  var portPreds = => [inIncident(edge.from, graph), edge])
  var succs = outIncidents(node, graph)

  var newCompound = flow(
    // remove the node inside the compound
    // remove all ports that are not needed inside the compound anymore => Compound.removePort(p)),
    // add all a port for each output port of the excluded node
    Node.outputPorts(nodeObj, true).map((port) => Compound.addInputPort(port)),
    // add all outgoing edges from the newly created compound ports to their successors => Graph.addEdge({from: '@' + edge.from.port, to:}))
  var newGraph = flow(
    // disconnect all edges whose ports get removed
    flow( => Graph.removeEdge(edges[0]))),
    Graph.replaceNode(parent, newCompound),
    Graph.Let(Graph.addNodeIn(Graph.parent(parent, graph), nodeObj), (node, graph) =>
      mergeNodes({id:}, node, graph)), => Graph.addEdge({from: edges[0].from, to: + '@' + edges[1].to.port})),
    Node.outputPorts(nodeObj, true).map((port) => Graph.addEdge({from: + '@' + port.port, to: + '@' + port.port}))
  return newGraph

 * @function
 * @name unCompound
 * @description
 * Takes a compound node and moves all nodes out of the compound node and removes then removes the empty compound.
 * @param {Compound} node The compound node
 * @param {PortGraph} graph The graph in which the compound node lies.
 * @returns {PortGraph} The new graph where all nodes were moved out of the compound node.
export const unCompound = curry((node, graph) => {
  var sorting = topologicalSort(Graph.node(node, graph))
  var emptyComp = flow( => excludeNode(n)))(graph)
  var cons = flatten(Node.outputPorts(Graph.node(node, emptyComp), true).map((p) =>
    Graph.successors(p, emptyComp).map((to) => ({
      from: Graph.predecessor(Graph.predecessor(p, emptyComp), emptyComp),
      to: to
  return flow(
    Graph.removeNode(node), => Graph.addEdge(edge))

function sameParent (node1, node2) {
  return Path.equal(Path.parent(Node.path(node1)), Path.parent(Node.path(node2)))

const childrenOf = Graph.childrenOf

 * Find alls critical nodes for compoundify. The critical nodes are those, that are in the
 * topological between the first node of the subset and the last node of the subset and not part
 * of the subset. Those nodes can have a successor and a predecessor in the subset and thus making
 * it impossible to compoundify the subset. If we have the following topological sorting and subset
 *   topo:    a  b  c  d
 *   subset:  x  x     x
 * The node `c` would be a critical node as it can have the predecessor b (or a) and successor d.
function criticalNodes (nodes, topo, graph) {
  const firstIdx = topo.findIndex((t) => nodes.some(Node.equal(t)))
  const lastIdx = topo.length - reverse(topo).findIndex((t) => nodes.some(Node.equal(t))) - 1
  const markings = keyBy('id', nodes)
  return topo.slice(firstIdx, lastIdx + 1).filter((elem) => !markings[])

function findInSubset (nodeOrPort, subset, iterate, graph) {
  const node = Graph.node(nodeOrPort, graph)
  if (!sameParent(node, subset[0])) return false
  if (subset.find(Node.equal(node))) return true
  return iterate(node, graph).some((n) => findInSubset(n, subset, iterate, graph))

function successorInSubset (node, subset, graph) {
  return findInSubset(node, subset, Graph.successors, graph)

function predecessorInSubset (node, subset, graph) {
  return findInSubset(node, subset, Graph.predecessors, graph)

 * Checks whether a node is blocked inside a subset or not. A node is blocked by a subset
 * when it as at least one predecessor that is part of the subset and at least one successor
 * that is part of the subset. In the following example, b is blocked as a is a predecessor
 * and b is a successor and thus it is not possible to compoundify a and c.
 * +------------------+
 * |Compound          |
 * |        +---+     |
 * |        | a |     |
 * |        +-+-+     |
 * |          |       |
 * |     +------------+
 * |     |    |
 * |     |  +-v-+
 * |     |  | b |
 * |     |  +-+-+
 * |     |    |
 * |     +------------+
 * |          |       |
 * |        +-v-+     |
 * |        | c |     |
 * |        +---+     |
 * |                  |
 * +------------------+
function blocked (nodes, graph) {
  return (node) => successorInSubset(node, nodes, graph) && predecessorInSubset(node, nodes, graph)

function moveIntoCompound (node, cmpdId) {
  return (graph) => {
    var newComp = Graph.flow(
      Graph.Let(Graph.addNode(node), (newNode, graph) =>
        mergeNodes({id:}, newNode, graph)),
      Node.inputPorts(node).map((p) => Compound.addInputPort(uniqify(p))),
      Graph.flow(Node.inputPorts(node).map((p) => Graph.addEdge({from: '@' + uniquePortName(p), to: + '@' + p.port}))),
      Node.outputPorts(node).map((p) => Compound.addOutputPort(uniqify(p))),
      Graph.flow(Node.outputPorts(node).map((p) => Graph.addEdge({from: + '@' + p.port, to: '@' + uniquePortName(p)})))
    )(Graph.node(cmpdId, graph))
    const newInputs = Node.inputPorts(node).map((p) =>
        Graph.flow(Graph.inIncidents(p, graph)
          .map((edge) => Graph.addEdge({from: edge.from, to: + '@' + uniquePortName(}))))
    const newOutputs = Node.outputPorts(node).map((p) =>
          Graph.outIncidents(p, graph)
          .map((edge) => Graph.addEdge({from: + '@' + uniquePortName(edge.from), to:}))))
    return Graph.flow(
      Graph.replaceNode(cmpdId, newComp),

function inSubset (subset) {
  return (node) => !!((node) ? subset.find(Node.equal(node)) : false)

function moveEndsIntoCompound (subset, cmpdId) {
  return (graph) => {
    return Graph.flow(
      subset.filter((n) => Graph.successorsNode(n, graph).every(negate(inSubset(subset))))
      .map((n) => moveIntoCompound(n, cmpdId))

function moveSubsetIntoCompound (subset, cmpdId) {
  return (graph, => {
    const cb = Graph.flowCallback(cbs)
    var curGraph = moveEndsIntoCompound(subset, cmpdId)(graph)
    // as long as not every node of the subset is included in the new graph
    while (!subset.every((n) => !Graph.hasNode(n, curGraph))) {
      const preCompoundNodes = Graph.nodes(Graph.node(cmpdId, curGraph)).length
      const activeInputPorts = Node.inputPorts(Graph.node(cmpdId, curGraph))
        .filter((p) => inSubset(subset)(Graph.predecessor(p, curGraph)))
      curGraph = Graph.flow(
        uniqBy((p) =>, curGraph)), activeInputPorts)
          .map((p) => includePredecessor(p))
      const nowCompoundNodes = Graph.nodes(Graph.node(cmpdId, curGraph)).length
      // there was nothing to do
      if (nowCompoundNodes === preCompoundNodes) break
    return cb(Graph.node(cmpdId, curGraph), curGraph)

 * @function
 * @name compoundify
 * @description
 * Takes a list of nodes and tries to combine them in one compound.
 * @param {Location} parent The parent of the nodes
 * @param {Array<Location>} nodes An array of node locations (ids, node objects.. etc.) that should be included in the compound
 * @param {Portgraph} graph The graph
 * @returns {Portgraph} A new graph in which the list of nodes is combined inside one compound.
 * @throws {Error} If it is not possible to combine the nodes in one compound.
export const compoundify = curry((parent, nodes, graph, => {
  assertGraph(graph, 3, 'compoundify')
  if (graph.inplace) return inplaceCompoundify(parent, nodes, graph,
  const cb = Graph.flowCallback(cbs)
  const fn = cb
  if (nodes.length < 1) return fn([], graph)
  const nodeObjs = => Graph.node(n, graph))
  if (!childrenOf(parent, nodeObjs, graph)) {
    throw new Error('Cannot compoundify nodes, the are not children of ' + JSON.stringify(parent) + '\nNodes: (' + JSON.stringify(nodes) + ')')

  const topo = topologicalSort(Graph.parent(nodeObjs[0], graph), graph)
  const critical = criticalNodes(nodeObjs, topo, graph)
  const blockedNodes = critical.filter(blocked(nodeObjs, graph))
  if (blockedNodes.length > 0) {
    throw new Error('Subset of nodes is not compoundably. Nodes [' + =>', ') + '] are blocked')
  // const parent = Graph.parent(nodeObjs[0], graph)
  const compId = 'compoundify-' + cuid()
  return Graph.flow(
    Graph.Let(Graph.addNodeIn(parent, Graph.compound({componentId: compId})), (newNode, curGraph) => {
      return Graph.Let(moveSubsetIntoCompound(nodeObjs, newNode), (upNode, upGraph) => {
        return cb(upNode, upGraph)